
Choosing Between Passion and Money

It's a huge privilege to be able to pursue your passions without worrying about having to put food on the table and being able to feed one's family. Upon achieving financial stability, you are able to make sound decisions which are not necessarily driven by money.  I wonder if I ever have the luxury to look for passion outside of work in other areas of my life. - Self development and Growth - Relationships - Health? - 

Life Lessons 130116

Sometimes, Life involves taking a step back and assessing the situation before making a judgement/decision. And believing in yourself. So thankful that I decided to send my phone for a check even though the desk guy told me the sim slot seems fine. I was tempted to bring it back home and give it a second chance. But I told him: No. Get it checked. I am certain that there is something wrong with my phone. Got this message today, so relived I stuck to my instincts. Also, don't be so confrontational all the time. Win through actions, never through argument. Master the art of timing.

9SIR and it's draining deployments

It's been 4 days since the end of deployment, and I'm really glad it's over. I don't think I can reveal much regarding its operations but I believe this unit deserves more credit than it is given.  9SIR is under 2PDF, and we specialise in POI for civilian key installations i.e. Changi Airport and Jurong Island. This also means that we play a part in protecting Singapore's shores, 24/7. The POI duty lasts for a month, and the next one begins a few weeks after we end, and so on. There are also 4 rotations per duty, with 2 platoons on duty and the last platoon on off. Each rotation consists 2 night shifts, 1 day of LQRF and 2 day shifts (T=4.25 days), followed by 1.75 days off.  So, I got to sit in a tower for 3 out of 4 weeks and get driven around for 80-100km per day.  One of the weeks, I would have to stay near the entrance of JGL to assist in any incidents. And I actually have it better than the others serving in other units haha.  I actually


I've had enough.  Enough of people looking down on me.  Enough of others comparing myself to them, and then saying that I am undeserving of certain privileges. (Cos clearly, they are so deserving) Enough of people forming assumptions and opinions about me, when they haven't had the slightest clue what the f*** goes through my head.  Enough of hypocrites, who magnify my mistakes, but keep their mouths shut when they screw up. Enough of ingrates, who never see what I do for them. Some days, I wish I could be harsh and lash out at those idiots who are so full of themselves. But I'm too nice.  Days like these, I really feel like releasing the many onslaughts of personal attacks that run through my head.

Exercise Starlight - It was so underwhelming :/

Exercise Starlight (17th Aug - 7th Sep) Yay so I'm finally back from Taiwan/Republic of China. Singapore's quite a mess though, with elections going on and the annual haze issue *coughs*. I tweeted my experiences here in Taiwan but I felt it was too shallow so here, the full experience of the bittersweet 20 days I've been through. 17th Departed Singapore I felt really uncertain about embarking on this trip, mostly worries and fears regarding the three chevrons. You can read about it in my  instagram   post  (It's private though). 18th Landed at Taoyuan Airport, followed by a bus ride to Douliou into Meilin Camp. If you thought Singapore is hot and humid, it gets worse in Taiwan. Everyone was dying from the intense heat. I had to sleep in a 40 man bunk (like a dormitory for migrant workers lol), on the 5th floor. I always thought double decker beds were cool... Then I realised the pain of scaling 5 stories just to climb another 1.5m to

The SCS Life (Foundation Term)

I just graduated from SCS Foundation Term last Friday, the whole course was one heck of a ride (not really, I just loved it there cos it felt WAYYYYY better than my BMT days). My Corporal rank basically haha Week 1: In-Pro, Rank Presentation Orientation Run, Lectures, Combat Fitness Acclimatisation 1 (CFA) More lectures, Strength Training/Interval Training (ST/IT) IPPT (Cat), Trip Flare, Claymore NFE, ACES, GPS, M203, PRC, Matador My first day in SCS was awkward since I arrived 5 hours late. I had something on in the morning so I couldn't report on time, and I received lots of calls and what not. Thank goodness my superiors were nice and kind, they just asked if I was alright. I later found out that i've made a huge spectacle of myself though... The whole company had already knew my name since everyone was looking for me for the period where i was absent and nowhere to be found. Everyone thought i AWOL-ed or something. Some had the impression i reported

Reminiscing my JC life (Part 1)

Orientation Hey OG34,  thanks for all the fun, joy and laughter that you gave me during my first few days in SAJC. I really cherish the moments spent with you people (playing husband and wife in the school field, taking random group photos all over Plaza Singapura, having lunch with a random boy who came out of nowhere who we now know as Cavin Lim, and the dreadful last dinner at Vivocity's Food Republic). You have helped me assimilate easily into the school and I really appreciate each one of you for that. I hope that each one of you are doing well and that we might meet up for a gathering in future. JCJCJ JCJCJ represents a group of 5 of us from OG34 - Julia, Cavin, Janessa, Canice and me and I sort of left the group uncordially hahaha JCJC, one of the things I look most forward to in school is seeing you guys during our common breaks in J1. We were always up to our shenanigans, screaming for a refund when we couldn't watch The Lone Ranger, crashing into