Reminiscing my JC life (Part 1)


Hey OG34, 
thanks for all the fun, joy and laughter that you gave me during my first few days in SAJC. I really cherish the moments spent with you people (playing husband and wife in the school field, taking random group photos all over Plaza Singapura, having lunch with a random boy who came out of nowhere who we now know as Cavin Lim, and the dreadful last dinner at Vivocity's Food Republic). You have helped me assimilate easily into the school and I really appreciate each one of you for that. I hope that each one of you are doing well and that we might meet up for a gathering in future.


JCJCJ represents a group of 5 of us from OG34 - Julia, Cavin, Janessa, Canice and me and I sort of left the group uncordially hahaha

JCJC, one of the things I look most forward to in school is seeing you guys during our common breaks in J1. We were always up to our shenanigans, screaming for a refund when we couldn't watch The Lone Ranger, crashing into IOTA, writing love confessions, and then there's me always shipping the 4 of you together. Janice, Canessa, Juvin, Culia it has been an honour being the fifth wheel (p.s. sometimes I really mind being one). (p.s.p.s. when is your next double movie date I want in too) 



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